(Frequently Asked Questions)
Here you will find all the answers to your Apple Festival Questions!
1 / What is the Day and Time of the Festival?
October 19th, 2024 (One Day Only)
from 9AM-4PM
2 / What time do the roads close for the festival?
The roads will close at 1AM the day of the festival.
3 / Will there be a map of the closed roads?
yes, closer to the event date you can check the city Facebook page for a road closure map.
5 / Parking? Shuttles?
There will be designated lots for the shuttles that we will notify you of leading up to the festival. Strollers will need to be folded up. There are several other places around where locals may be charging to park, look for signs.
6/ When will you send out Vendor info?
Previous vendors will hear from the director in March. New vendors may apply to be on the waiting list. All accepted vendors will receive vendor packet info in September.
7 / When and where can I buy a t-shirt?
In October, t-shirts will go on sale. Keep and eye on our social media for locations to purchase. They will also be available for sale at the info booths at the festival.
8 / Will there be live music?
Yes! We will have music and entertainment set up on two stages.
9/ What is the Kids Orchard?
It is a section of the festival that is geared towards kid friendly activities!
10/ Can I volunteer to help?
YES!!! Absolutely! We have a signup page for Volunteers HERE!