Apple Vendor Information
Below are the rules and guidelines every vendor/entertainment must read before proceeding. You will find your info pages linked at the bottom.

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Apple Festival Vendor Rules and Guidelines
Security will enforce; fines will apply.
Failure to follow the rules and guidelines will affect whether you are invited back.
Please review carefully, as some have changed.
For questions, our email address is LCAppleFestival1972@gmail.com.
Your arrival…
Craft Vendors may enter and begin setting up at 6:30 am. Food Trucks need to arrive at 5:30 am. Your check-in location will be posted in the Apple Core. You will be put into 2 categories Blue or Green, the category you are place in will be determined by your booth location. Volunteers will be on hand to assist you.
You must have your 2024 entrance pass to access the festival area during setup and takedown. Show it to the volunteer at the entry point, and you will also need to show your pass to get into the festival at the end of the day for breakdown. You can show it on your phone, or you can print it out.
Post your booth number visible for the EMS or law enforcement to find you in an emergency.
All booths should be in place and vehicles removed from festival grounds by 7:30 am sharp. If you arrive after 7:30, you will not be allowed to participate as a vendor.
Your Booth…
We don’t supply tents. Booths must be flush against the curb with no guide wires, ropes, or stakes. All supplies, chairs, tables, etc., must be within your space and not on the sidewalk. Do not block fire hydrants.
Do not use more than your allocated space. If the space next to you appears to be empty, don’t feel free to use it. It has been left open for pedestrian use or safety reasons.
Keep your activities inside your booth or just in front of it – not in the street. Please don’t “hawk” your merchandise by yelling in the street or force visitors to take giveaways.
Never “sublet” or share your booth with any non-registered vendor. Doing so will result in a $50 fine for you and eviction of the unregistered vendor.
Take your trash and empty boxes home. Do not leave any trash in your space. We will make note it will affect whether or not you are invited back.
No alcohol is allowed by any vendor.
No pets are allowed at this festival. Exceptions are made for service dog and such.
At the end of the day…
This is one of the most important, yet most frequent infraction each year: For the safety of our departing visitors, do not drive your vehicle onto the festival grounds until 4:30 pm. Doing this WILL result in a $100 fine.
If you run out of product, you may pack up and walk it out, or wait until 4:30 to bring in your vehicle. Completely pack up your booth before bringing in your vehicle for loading.
Citations will be issued for any vendors still on the street at 6 pm. The City of Lincolnton Public Works Department will begin cleaning up with street sweepers and blowers beginning promptly at 6 pm.
Do not bring…
Amplifiers. Amplified music at your booth is not allowed.
Generators, if you need one, should be no louder than general conversation, and pre-approved.
Pets. By City ordinance, no animals are allowed on Festival grounds except service dogs or those invited as part of the festival.
Costume characters with heads (mascots), without permission from the Apple Festival.
Vendors may hand out food samples and candy, or bottles of water, but may not serve free full-size portions of food or drink. Some non-profits may get prior approval from the Apple Festival Board.
Specific to food vendors…
Lincolnton’s Fire Marshal will inspect and enforce the following on Festival morning. Let this be your checklist.
If you are cooking with propane using a grill, deep fryer, or flattop, your tent must be certified flame retardant; the fire marshal will be looking for the certification tag and serial number posted on all fire-retardant tents. (This rule doesn’t apply if you are only using warmers and canned fuel.)
All cooking appliances (grills, deep fryers, flattops) should ideally be located outside of the tent edge and as far as possible from buildings. We need to know if you are using any type of flammables so we can place your booth accordingly.
All propane tanks/tubing must be secured to prevent tipping/rolling. A plastic milk carton works well.
Generators must be located as far away from tents as possible and isolated from the public with fencing or acceptable barrier. All wiring (extension cords) must be secured/covered to prevent tripping.
Fire extinguisher(s) with a minimum 2A rating are required. If using a deep fat fryer, a Class K portable fire extinguisher is required as well.
Carry your trash and boxes home for disposal, and do not use the garbage cans designated for Festival visitors. You are responsible for your own clean up.
Provide appropriate containers for your grease and carry it home with you. Dumping grease, coffee grounds, etc. on the grass, on the curb, on the sidewalk, or down the storm drain, is not allowed, and may result in a $100 fine.
Specific to downtown merchants and establishments…
The Apple Festival provides booth space of 10x10 on the curb at no charge as a courtesy to downtown merchants for their own use. If you reserve a space on the street, you must erect a tent and occupy it.
You will need to fill out a form every year to get your booth each year.
You must be actively setting up by 7:30 am.
If you leave it open after registering for it, we will assume that you no longer want the space for future Apple Festivals. If you find that you will not be able to use your space, let us know ASAP.
Do not rope off the sidewalk or block the sidewalk in any way, including lawn chairs.
Your booth is for selling your own store merchandise or promoting your own business. The Apple Festival doesn’t allow direct sale merchandise, i.e., Tupperware, Avon, and Scentsy, at the Apple Festival. Please help us by selling only those items that are normally available in your store daily, and don’t sublet your space to another unregistered vendor.
Keep going!
Vendor Levels
Crafter – $100 for 10’x10’ or $150 for 10’ x 20’
All items must be handmade by the seller. You must live and operate in Lincoln County or a county that borders Lincoln County. These are limited to Cleveland, Gaston, Mecklenburg, Iredell, Catawba, and Burke Counties.
Non-Profit Food or Craft Vendor – $100 for 10’x10’ or $150 for 10’ x 20’
Your group is a registered non-profit organization charted in Lincoln County. Non-Profits can only sell food, and handmade items.
Food Vendors $150 for a 10’x10’ or $300 for 10’x 20’
$100 for every extra 10x10 (past 20ft)
You will be required to provide a copy of your insurance before approval.
As a for-profit food vendor, we request that you have a donation jar for a local charity of your choice. The charity must be based in Lincoln County.
Non-Profit- $100 for 10x10
Your group is a registered non-profit organization charted in Lincoln County. Giveaways, raffles, and games only. No selling permitted
Kids Orchard – $75 for 10x10 or $125 for 10x20
If you are an organization that is kids oriented and you wish to have a booth in the Kid’s Orchard. You must provide a simple game or activity that appeals to children under 12. Each child must receive a prize of some kind. The chargeable limit for activities in the Kid’s Orchard is $8.
Farmer’s Market – $25 for every 10x10
Local farmers who sell fresh produce, plants, and other specialty items produced on local farms.
If you do not fit any of these categories, you have the option to get a booth by becoming a festival sponsor. Your level of sponsorship determines if you get a booth and what size based on the benefits included in your selected sponsorship level. Our Sponsor Levels post in April. check our website, Facebook, and Instagram.